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By using this website you are accepting all the terms of this disclaimer notice. If you do not agree with anything in this notice you should not use this website.
Despite our efforts to ensure that the information on www.tickettack.nl is accurate, complete and current, there may be instances when information contains inaccuracies or incomplete data, including data about price or availability. TicketTack makes no warranty or guarantee that the information on our website is error-free, complete, or current. TicketTack reserves the right to correct errors and/or update the content on our website at any time without notice. We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order containing any error or inaccuracy, including after the order has been submitted.
TicketTack cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this site. This shall also apply for damages (partly) caused by offering and/or sending data electronically and/or by technical failures.
Any action you take upon the information on our website is strictly at your own risk. and we will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of our website.